We need your help to understand the mobility challenges you encounter when travelling to work, school, healthcare appointments, shopping, or to recreate in Monmouth County. Whether you drive, take public transportation, walk, bike, or use another mode of transportation, you likely encounter mobility barriers, such as traffic congestion, unsafe intersections, infrequent bus service, missing sidewalks or ADA curb ramps, no bike parking, etc. Please complete the following form and utilize an online mapping tool to tell us about the barriers you encounter when traveling around Monmouth County.

For more information, please visit the study website

The information you provide will be vital to informing the Monmouth Paths study, a transportation planning study that will identify and develop measures to reduce or eliminate mobility barriers for Monmouth County residents. The goal of this study is to provide guidance for the County and its municipalities to reduce or overcome existing barriers and prevent new obstacles. This will be accomplished by combining data analysis and the lived experiences of County residents to evaluate infrastructure, policy, socioeconomic, and awareness factors that can be major limitations for the traveling public. Potential outcomes of this study include strategies to improve the built environment in a variety of land-use areas within the County.